Usko ex Nivaa 1917
Rauman alusrekisteri:
Teräksestä limisaumaan rakennettu konevoimalla kulkeva lastialus. Kone 1640 i.hv.
Omistaja: Höyrylaiva Oy Usko.
Vuonna 1934 aluksen kotipaikaksi merkitty Eurajoki.
503 | USKO (I) | 1933 - 1939 |
| General Cargo Steamer, Singledecker |
| Call: OHSQ |
| 1,841 GRT, 1,020 NRT, 2,400 dwt |
| 79.52 x 13.25 x 5.41 m |
| Triple Steam Engine 3 cy. |
| by the Shipbuilders |
| 1,250 IHP - knots |
1917: | Laid down by American Ship Building Co., Cleveland, Ohio (#470) as WAR OAK for the Shipping Controller, London to be managed by Cunard S.S. Co. |
3.8.1917: | Requisitioned by U.S. Government. |
2.1918: | Completed and delivered to U.S. Shipping Board, Cleveland, Ohio. as LAKE OTISCO. |
1920: | Sold to International Coal Transport Corp., New York. |
1923: | Sold to Compagnie Nationale de Navigation, Le Havre, and renamed FLOREAL. |
5.2.1929: | Sold to Dampskibsselskabet Hetland A/S, (H.P.P. Ladegaard), København, and renamed NIVAA. |
1930: | T. Basse was appointed manager of the owners. |
28.2.1933: | Acquired by Höyrylaiva O/Y Usko, (Tmi John Nurminen, Jalmari Penttilä), Rauma /Raumo (503), and renamed USKO. |
1939: | Sold to Laevaühing Meero, (J. Pruun), Tallinn, and renamed MEERO. |
1940: | After the occupation of Estonia on 16–17 June by the Soviet troops and the annexation of Estonia on 6 Aug. with the USSR., Meero was transferred to the state-owned Estonian Shipping Co., Tallinn in connection with the nationalization of all private property in Estonia. |
1941: | Requisitioned by the Soviet Navy and used as transport vessel with pennant No. VT542, but still under the name Meero. |
1941: | Torpedoed on 2 Sep. at 0205 hours at Verkkomatala, in the southern end of Koivisto strait by the Finnish MTB Syöksy. Meero was on voyage from Kronstadt to Koivisto /Björkö to evacuate Soviet troops and their armament from Koivisto. |
| ©MAP 26.3.2004 file:RaumLaiv/Usko1.doc |
Tyyppi Höyrylaiva (teräs)
Telakka American Ship Building Co., Cleveland, Ohio
Vuosi /
Bruttovetoisuus 1841
Pituus 89,52
Leveys 13,25
Rakennettu: 27.05.2021
Poistettu 27.05.2021